Auf der Suche nach einem Partner der die Fähigkeit besitzt Neukundenakquise auf höchstem Niveau umzusetzen wurden wir auf Klein Marketing Consulting aufmerksam.

Mit Klein Marketing Consulting haben wir einen zuverlässigen Partner gefunden, der unser Geschäft rund um IT-Security Dienstleistungen sowie Hardware und Software bestens versteht. Projekte werden qualitativ hochwertig umgesetzt und das Ziel, die Generierung von B2B Sales-Ready-Leads, wird passgenau durchgeführt.

Klein Marketing Consulting versteht es, technisches Verständnis gekonnt mit Kommunikationstalent zu verbinden. Dies erlaubt uns den direkten Zugang zu Entscheidern. Mundgerecht entwickelte Leads werden direkt von unserem Außendienst-Team übernommen und in Neukundengeschäft umgewandelt.

Die ergebnisorientierte und professionelle Umsetzung unserer gemeinsam konzipierten Kampagnen übertrifft stets unsere Erwartungen. Wir freuen uns auf die künftige Zusammenarbeit um unseren enormen Erfolg mit der Unterstützung von Klein Marketing Consulting fortzusetzen.

Wolfgang Dorfner

Head of Marketing, Indevis

Thomas Klein and his team was able to create a valuable business around the Spanish market. He demonstrated to be a person with the ability to handle the continuous changes that any company is facing. Highly trustworthy and results oriented, He is highly recommended if you need your business to both increase and make a difference.  – December 18, 2012

Borja Mendivil Fuster

Head of Operations , Arkeero

“Totally results-driven and efficient” is the phrase that comes to mind when I think about Thomas!

I had the pleasure of working with him as he expertly filled the role supporting Akamai’s sales teams.

Thomas has shown an uncanny ability to connect with ideal customers for the first time via cold calling and establish a high level of trust right from the beginning that is critical for success particularly in IT sales. He has proved that making use of his savvy technical skill-set along with his ability to quickly determine the customer’s need is a powerful combination. He got us in front of the largest prospects we were targeting. I was always happy to see qualified sales opportunities coming through.

With his performance driven approach to constantly overachieve targets he would be the one who sets the benchmark within the inside-sales team.

Oh, and no matter the circumstance for Thomas it would only need an additional ‘cup of coffee’ to show that going the extra mile coupled with relentless diligence is a winning formula when it comes to high quality lead generation in harder markets.

He is the epitome of a person with high-integrity and dedication to his craft which are the traits one cannot really teach. I strongly recommend Thomas Klein as a sales expert with Inside, Outside and team leader capacity.

Martin Heubeck

Account Executive Financial Services, Akamai Technologies

Thomas is one of few people I have worked with who has a real grasp of Online Marketing. He can think at the Strategic, Technical or Implementation level and delivers work across the board. – December 13, 2013

Kasper Vardrup

Founder & Partner at Rainmaking , Rainmaking, Venture Capital & Private Equity

Thomas Klein platziert das Thema Anomalie Detektion und Protektion bei unseren Neukunden präzise auf den Punkt.

Danke für deine gute Arbeit!

Markus Grathwohl

Corporate Account Manager, Kaspersky